Breaking the Block with HITRECORD

Breaking the Block is a series on ways to get out of writer’s block.

Writer’s block sucks. For me, the best way to get unstuck is to do something creative unrelated to writing or to take a break. When I have the energy to do something creative, I usually find something to do on HITRECORD.

HITRECORD is a collaborative art-making website. All the users can contribute original art or contribute to projects that require a specific type of art. Some of the projects are even part of paid productions and if your art gets chosen, you get paid! 

They have projects for writing, voice recording and acting, video editing, music, interviews, drawing, painting, and so much more. Anyone can contribute to any project and anyone can start a project. You are encouraged to try something new. And I’ve tried a lot of things. I got to live out my secret childhood dream of being a rapper lol, I got into video editing, got back into dancing, and made a series of audio stories that made me want to create my own storytelling podcast (which I hope to actually create one day). 

Check out HITRECORD. It’s free to join. You’ll find me on there as ivegotstoriestotell. If you’ve used HITRECORD tell me about your experience. Also let me know what you do to break out of writer’s block.

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